I have not had time to even think about making art assemblages lately ... I think this is the longest time period in a LONG time that I have NOT done an assemblage with found objects. My "assemblages" lately have been assembling paper work, bookkeeping, taxes, and other things associated with my paying jobs.
And, it's been really hectic here... with Holy Week upon us now, and our Church (where I work) doing some MAJOR renovations and remodeling, which is moving us out of the building for about 7 months! So we have been packing up, tossing junk, and getting ready for things to come. I need to have my office stuff ready to transfer to the new, temporary location in about a month...EEEK!!
My latest "art" has involved making posters, inserts, announcements for that move...
"WE'RE ON THE MOVE!!" to a downtown location a few blocks away while all the renovations happen.
BUT, my "assemblages have also included assembling things for Sunday School, and teachings on Easter and Holy Week, leading up to Easter.
Our Sunday School class is a blessing to me .. helping me to remember to focus on things I should. Here're "my kids" as we sang the song, "Sanna Sa-na-ni-na, san-na, san-na, san-na", as the congregation processed into the Church with their palms from downstairs. (they're such POSERS, gotta love them!)
Here is something we did for class today ... an EASTER BASKET OF MEANING .. sharing it here incase someone may want to make the Easter celebration more meaningful for their kids too!
In this Easter Basket are objects that represent more than you may realize...
The bed of Easter grass represents the hay in the manger where baby Jesus was laid. (Luke 2:11-12)
The goldfish crackers remind us that Jesus tells us "Come follow me & I will make you fishers of men & women." (Mark 1:17)
The bandaid is symbolic of Jesus the Ultimate Healer. (Matthew 4:23)
The stones remind us what Jesus said to the Pharisees on His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, "...if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." (Luke 19:39-40)
And they remind us that we give honor & praise to Jesus, the Rock of our salvation. (Psalm 95:1-2) The chocolate coins represent the 30 silver coins that Judas was paid to betray Jesus. (Matthew 27:3)
The candy rope is symbolic of the whip that was used to flog Jesus & the horrible ways He was mocked and reviled. (Mark 15:15-20)
The chocolate cross is a symbol of our redemption, Jesus Our Redeemer, who gave His life, so we could have eternal life with Him in heaven. (John 11:25-26)
The hollow, empty, plastic egg reminds us of the empty tomb. (John 20:1-8)
The marshmallow chicks and chocolate bunny represent new life and new birth, the kind that Jesus gives. (Romans 6:3-5)
The chocolate, gold foiled Easter eggs are symbolic of heaven, described as a city of pure gold, a place prepared for all who believe. (Revelation 21:1-27)
May your Easter be more than just a search for colored eggs.
May you search for and find Jesus!
Alleluia! Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!
Here is a label in jpg format you can copy too... (click on photo for larger version).
Created for the enjoyment of myself and as an avenue to share with others the things that I love, appreciate, and cherish, whether my own creations of art, the inspired wisdoms and creations of others, and/or sharings of God-cidences (more than just coincidences).
"Where the spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art."
~ Leonardo da Vinci ~
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
John gets artistic with a dinner "assemblage"
My husband made dinner tonite for us ...(ring bologna, asparagus, sauerkraut, sliced cherry tomatoes, and yellow peppers)... and then he gets artistic when he puts it on his plate.
John told me, "You're not the ONLY one who can make assemblages!" *LoL*
It WAS a good dinner, especially because I didn't have to fix it!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Farewell Tribute to Gene ... Rest in Peace dear friend.
Yesterday and today we attended our friend, Gene's, visitation and funeral. It was good to be able to cry, and laugh, and cry some more with those who knew him and loved him. It was wonderful to hear the stories and jokes and good times that many people had shared with Gene over the years. He was certainly well loved and respected by many, and rightly so!
So many things we didn't really know about Gene, but so many things we DID know and did share with him too. We are blessed to have had a friend in Gene, and we miss him already. The photo's here are of the military salute to Gene at the cemetery ceremony upnorth where he was buried. (The visitation and funeral were held in Delavan).
After his burial, we took a short drive to the old family farm to have a look around, share some memories, and give our fond farewell to Gene. A friend, Colleen, also played "TAPS" (see the video)as a farewell to our friend.
But we know, that those who love the Lord, never say good bye forever... we'll miss our dear "support group" friend a LOT (and John and the other guys will surely miss their hunting buddy and friend too!), but we know we shall meet again someday, until then, we'll treasure and hold close our memories of Gene, and continue to hold his family in our prayers as well. Rest in Peace Gene, you ARE loved!
So many things we didn't really know about Gene, but so many things we DID know and did share with him too. We are blessed to have had a friend in Gene, and we miss him already. The photo's here are of the military salute to Gene at the cemetery ceremony upnorth where he was buried. (The visitation and funeral were held in Delavan).
After his burial, we took a short drive to the old family farm to have a look around, share some memories, and give our fond farewell to Gene. A friend, Colleen, also played "TAPS" (see the video)as a farewell to our friend.
But we know, that those who love the Lord, never say good bye forever... we'll miss our dear "support group" friend a LOT (and John and the other guys will surely miss their hunting buddy and friend too!), but we know we shall meet again someday, until then, we'll treasure and hold close our memories of Gene, and continue to hold his family in our prayers as well. Rest in Peace Gene, you ARE loved!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Featured at Episcopal Cafe's Art Blog
The Art Blog at the Episcopal Cafe has featured my assemblage "Even the Stones Will Cry Out" for one of the Lenten Devotionals for today, March 22nd.
Thank you to C. Robin Janning for using my assemblage! Be sure to check out all the wonderful art from many others there, and the meditations that go along with them too!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Nice Sunny Sunday for a Drive...
After Church today, since it was such a nice day, John and I headed upnorth to see Aunt Evelyn in the nursing home where she is recovering from back surgery. I also made her a booklet of the photos I had taken a month ago from her 90th Birthday Celebration, which she really liked.
Aunt Evelyn is looking GREAT!! And good news, she gets to go home on Friday! I'm sure it will be a really great homecoming for her after the last, almost 3, months away.
She is an amazing aunt, and still so very active, we're thankful for her continued healing and for having Aunt Evelyn in our lives!
When we got home, the Wii Bowling Rematch resumed! But this time just John and I played... just one game...but guess who won?! MEEEEEEE!! heh heh! (189 to 163)
John said he is going to be out for blood the next time!! eek! *G*
Maybe next time, Kasey and I can convince John to try the Just Dance program and see how he does compared to us...*L*!! I'm not good at all, but it's fun (and great exercise!).
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Friendly (or not so friendly) Family Bowling Competition.... Wiiiiiiiii
This afternoon and tonight, Kasey, John and I took some time off to relax, watch some TV, fix a delicious dinner together, and we got into a few games (5 hours worth!) of Wii bowling. IT WAS A BLAST!! Soooo fun!!
Even though Kasey and John beat me horribly in our matches, we had a lot of laughs, inbetween running back and forth to the kitchen and the grill making steaks, steamed veggies, and fried onions with mushrooms. Thanks to John & Janel and grandsons too for the Sorg gift certificate we finally used from Christmas for those steaks...yummmm!!
But, after John and Kasey had enough of our 5 hour marathon, I decided to try it by myself to see why I couldn't play better. After just a few games alone, I found how to keep my arm straighter and throw the ball with that Wii controller - bwhahaha.. just wait till our next "friendly" competition, I'll get them then!! *S*
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Rest in Peace Gene...
We found out tonite that a dear freind of ours passed away. He will be missed by many friends, and of course his family too.
Gene was part of our "support group" friends who gather on most Tuesday nights for some sharing, libations, and the lobster and steak specials at Tubby's.
Gene is my parents age, and used to be the vice principal at the junior high school I attended waaaay back when. It took me awhile before I stopped calling him "Mr. Schmig" instead of Gene.. *L* John and Gene hunted together often... they had just planned another moose hunt for this Fall just days before Gene was found dead at his home. Gene was a dear, kind, generous friend and we miss him already.
Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servant Gene. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Gene was part of our "support group" friends who gather on most Tuesday nights for some sharing, libations, and the lobster and steak specials at Tubby's.
Gene is my parents age, and used to be the vice principal at the junior high school I attended waaaay back when. It took me awhile before I stopped calling him "Mr. Schmig" instead of Gene.. *L* John and Gene hunted together often... they had just planned another moose hunt for this Fall just days before Gene was found dead at his home. Gene was a dear, kind, generous friend and we miss him already.
Into your hands, O merciful Savior, we commend your servant Gene. Acknowledge, we humbly beseech you, a sheep of your own fold, a lamb of your own flock, a sinner of your own redeeming. Receive him into the arms of your mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light. Amen.
May his soul and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Some Irish Blarney & Bagpiping too!
Our Wednesday night Lenten Series tonite featured an Irish dinner, complete with a bagpiper, blarney, kissing of the blarney stone and more!
Definition of "blarney": blar·ney /ˈblɑrni/ Show Spelled [blahr-nee] Show IPA noun, verb,-neyed, -ney·ing.
1.flattering or wheedling talk; cajolery.
2.deceptive or misleading talk; nonsense; hooey: a lot of blarney about why he was broke.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object)
3.to flatter or wheedle; use blarney: He blarneys his boss with the most shameless compliments.
The blarney was certainly flying tonite! *L* Of course after all the blarney, we had a teaching on the sacrament of reconciliation, which some of us needed a LOT! *L*
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Celebrating Jorden's 2nd Birthday early...
We were blessed to have granddaughter, Jorden, for the weekend, and our son (Kaine), Daddy to Jorden, came home after work on Saturday too. We had an all day birthday celebration for Jorden, whose real birthday is in a couple of weeks, but since we may not see her then, we decided to celebrate NOW!
Son and daughter in law, John and Janel, along with grandsons Jake, Josh and Jeff came over Sat. afternoon (Jake had a hockey party later that day they were going to). A birthday balloon fight was enjoyed by the grandkids. Then Lauren, Great grandma and grandpa (Nana and Papa) came over and joined John, me and Kasey, Kaine & Jorden for a pizza birthday party too!
Don't you LOVE Jake's freckles? And Josh and Jeff's smiles? Such handsome grandsons we have!! And a cute granddaughter too!! *S*
Jorden in one of her pretty birthday dresses she got that day..couldn't wait to try them on her! *S*
Jorden had fun with the Sunday School class on Sunday as well as reading with Lauren and playing in a nest of blankets too.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Taking time to be still and know that God IS...
It's been a hectic & busy month so far.... Lent has seemed to gotten to be too busy imho... where is my time to slow down and reflect? And getting tax stuff done, bookkeeping, and other things has seemed to overtake my life lately. UGH!
But tonite was a welcome respite ... our Wed. night Lenten series at Church featured guest speaker, Fr. Gregory, from the Order of Julian of Norwich. He spoke on prayer, and taking time to be still, silent, listen and just enjoy being in God's presence. And when those "busy things" come into your mind, simply claim them for what they are, and then give them to God, getting back to clearing your mind and your spirit to be more open to resting in the Lord, and then maybe "hearing" what God may be saying to you in and through your time of silence and meditation.
It was a good teaching, and a "practice" time of 10 minutes of silence, which, to me, went by like it was only a minute! Thanks Fr. Gregory for the teaching and reminders to be still and know that God just IS!
Here are Fr. Bill and Fr. Gregory as we waited to start the evening. (Always be prepared for newsletter photo ops! *L*)
But tonite was a welcome respite ... our Wed. night Lenten series at Church featured guest speaker, Fr. Gregory, from the Order of Julian of Norwich. He spoke on prayer, and taking time to be still, silent, listen and just enjoy being in God's presence. And when those "busy things" come into your mind, simply claim them for what they are, and then give them to God, getting back to clearing your mind and your spirit to be more open to resting in the Lord, and then maybe "hearing" what God may be saying to you in and through your time of silence and meditation.
It was a good teaching, and a "practice" time of 10 minutes of silence, which, to me, went by like it was only a minute! Thanks Fr. Gregory for the teaching and reminders to be still and know that God just IS!
Here are Fr. Bill and Fr. Gregory as we waited to start the evening. (Always be prepared for newsletter photo ops! *L*)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
New Homes, Additions, Remodeling & More - Karstetter Construction
Today, after the grandsons went home, John and I took a drive to get more photos for an upcoming website or blog I'll be making for his construction company - Karstetter Construction.
Here are a few photos, that will be featured, showing the expert quality and workmanship offered by Karstetter Construction - for ALL your construction needs! Check us out! Give us a call! We'd love to do your next building project! (Website addy coming soon with more photos and info)
Here's the addy to the new Karstetter Construction blog..please check us out!! Thanks! http://karstetterconstruction.blogspot.com/
State Hockey Tournament - GO BLADES!!
Our grandson, Jake's, team - The Beloit Blades - is playing in the State Hockey playoff's this weekend. I went to the first game (on Saturday at noon), a great, exciting game! Jake and his team played their hearts out! They were ahead for most of the game 2 - 0, but the other team ended up getting 2 goals in the last period, which brought them to a sudden death playoff period... and sadly, the Blades lost. But they have two more games to play yet, and while they don't have a chance for 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place, they still are there at the playoff's and should be proud, as we are, of their successes!! Way to go Jake and the Blades!!
Josh and Jeff, the "rink rats", had their faces painted with flaming pucks to help cheer the team on to a win! Jeff and Josh came back home for an overnight at our house on Saturday. A fun night, and we welcomed home John and Kasey who arrived later that night, home from a long 10 days + down in Texas. John's dad is still hanging on, not doing well, and we all hold him in our thoughts and prayers with love. Lot's to catch up on with John and Kasey!
UPDATE:The Blades ended up winning their second game that afternoon 7 - 1~!! But lost their 3rd game on Sunday.
Here's the team as they receive their 6th place State Hockey final award... I know they had wished they had done better, but we are SOOOO proud of their efforts!!
Josh and Jeff, the "rink rats", had their faces painted with flaming pucks to help cheer the team on to a win! Jeff and Josh came back home for an overnight at our house on Saturday. A fun night, and we welcomed home John and Kasey who arrived later that night, home from a long 10 days + down in Texas. John's dad is still hanging on, not doing well, and we all hold him in our thoughts and prayers with love. Lot's to catch up on with John and Kasey!
UPDATE:The Blades ended up winning their second game that afternoon 7 - 1~!! But lost their 3rd game on Sunday.
Here's the team as they receive their 6th place State Hockey final award... I know they had wished they had done better, but we are SOOOO proud of their efforts!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
A Tribute to the new Alice in Wonderland movie
Here are a couple of assemblages I've made that go well with the opening of Alice in Wonderland...
Alice's Bizzare Wonderland assemblage... something's gone terribly wrong in the land of Wonder, it appears the white rabbit has had his feet cut off, and that Alice has drank all of the special bottled potions! EEEK!
And here is a different take on the stolen "tarts" ... that Knave of Hearts is certainly a dastardly fellow! *G*
Here's a fun trailor of the upcoming movie... can't wait to see it too!
Alice's Bizzare Wonderland assemblage... something's gone terribly wrong in the land of Wonder, it appears the white rabbit has had his feet cut off, and that Alice has drank all of the special bottled potions! EEEK!
And here is a different take on the stolen "tarts" ... that Knave of Hearts is certainly a dastardly fellow! *G*
Here's a fun trailor of the upcoming movie... can't wait to see it too!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
An Assemblage of paper/receipts - aka TAX preparation.. ugh
Okay.. this is just one of the things taking up my time lately. Tax info being gathered and sorted for our yearly visit to the tax man. See that middle, empty space, it's where I sit as I sort thru the stuff.
I have the living room floor scattered with receipts, etc. - business and personal, and the kids stuff too.
Good thing it's only me here, so I can leave it and go back to it from time to time. But I'll need to get it pretty much finished soon, the grandsons are coming for an overnight on Sat.
So, until tax stuff is done, it doesn't look like I'll get any art done for awhile. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, so they say?
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Dad, Grandpa & Great Grandpa Paul
My father-in-law, Paul, is not doing well, but he's still hanging on, my husband and daughter, along with 2 sister-in-laws, a brother-in-law and fiance are at his bedside in Texas. Viola and her daughter, Jane, also visited him on Sunday too. John and Kasey have been there since last Wed. Time is short for Paul, yet as Kasey told those of us who couldn't be there, "Grampa's still got his personality that's for sure! He's been joking with us & the nurses too in the past few days."
Paul has lost a lot of weight, he is hardly eating anything (drinking a little Ensure everyday, but not much). Kasey said, "I am glad to have caught the smile. Thought everyone would love to see him :) Grampa's wearing headphones that are attached to a hearing device with a microphone, his regular hearing aids were broken. (and I tied rubber gloves to the top of the headphones (blue) because the headphones were too big for his head and kept falling off."
We all are holding Paul in our prayers still, and thinking of him with love. xoxoxox (Praying for the family down there and those who can't be there as well).