Thursday, February 28, 2013

Stone Soup Making....

Chellie, Pat and Bill making stone soup.
Several of us got together last night to combine ingredients that had been donated by ourselves and others at our Church to make "stone soup" for the Food Pantry here, as well as for homebound parish members and those who could use some cheering up. 

We made chicken noodle with veggies, and beef barley with veggies.  It sure smelled deeeeelicious in the Parish Hall last night, and this morning too when I came into work.

The soup wasn't cooled off enough last night to package up, but this morning we put it all in containers for the freezer... over 45 containers!!

Thankful to everyone who donated veggies and helped with this outreach!

Goodwill Score!.... Elk Teeth...

Whooo hooo... found some cool elk teeth, which had holes already drilled in them, probably to make some kind of jewelry with them.   I have a lot of odds and ends of jewelry here too that I can use with them to create some unique jewelry pieces.... with the help of my daughter who makes beautiful jewelry in her spare time too!  Maybe I'll even find some use for them in an upcoming assemblage art piece?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Trying a new way to serve up Taco Salad...

Early dinner tonight... and it was pretty good... lettuce wrap taco salads....

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Making Super Hero Capes....

Yesterday was scratch off coupon day at Goodwill .. so I used my discounts there to pick up some t-shirts for an upcoming Kid's Event / Free Parent's Nite Out in early April.  I made some Super Hero capes from the extra large t-shirts by cutting off the sleeves (which will be used later to make super hero cuffs), and the front of the t-shirt, and leaving the neckband and the back of the shirt, I then made iron on transfers with a logo and tahhh dahhh... SUPER HERO JESUS T-SHIRTS!!

So far, the sample tries turned out not so bad... might be better on lighter colored t-shirts, but so far, so good.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Body, Mind and Sole Sisters Expo....

+++++ UPDATE * FEB. 22ND ++++++ 

Well, I WAS going to be a part of this, but the person in charge called me today and she thinks my art is too out there and doesn't want to offend those coming to this event.  Even though I sent scriptural passages with the booklet I sent with my registration (weeks ago), and I DO believe the art pieces give a lot to think about, as well as a Godly message.  I do realize this type of assemblage art isn't for everyone's taste though.  SO, I told her I would pass on it then... just wish she would have looked at the registration form I sent in over 3 weeks ago, sooner, and would have let me know sooner before saying she would like me to be a part of it from the start and then call to ask me what religion I am, and things today??  I don't see how one can read the scriptural references, and really look at the art, and not see a Christian message?

But, I'll keep on keeping on, and making art, and looking to God for inspiration.    

"Come to Him (Jesus), to that living stone, rejected by men but in God’s sight chosen and precious;  and like living stones be yourselves built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  For it stands in scripture:
“Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a corner stone chosen and precious, and he (or she) who believes in Him will not be put to shame.”    (1 Peter 2:4-6)


 I will be a part of this upcoming ..."Body, Mind and Soul Sisters Expo"...  on Saturday, March 2nd, at  "The Energize Zone Wellness Center", 1918 Mac Arthur Rd., Waukesha, WI.  Admission is $5 and is open to the public. Doors open at Noon, and close at 4 p.m.

It will be an afternoon of learning, relaxation, shopping, fun, and inspiration.  There also will be mini manicures, makeovers, massages & over 28 vendors, selling & offering many things!  Door prizes as well!

I'll be having some of my assemblage art there in a shared space prayer room for women to come through and reflect, pray and meditate on the art, and messages that it may convey to them.

All are welcome, if you are in the Waukesha area on March 2nd, stop in!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

God's Valentine to the World...

Happy Valentine's Day to ALL!!

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Heart offering ... "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your strength and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself.'"

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Get Your Ashes In Church!

Ash Wednesday Service
Get Your Ashes in Church!

Did you know....

Ash Wednesday is the first day of the penitential season of Lent.
On Ash Wednesday (Feb. 13th this year) Christians have a smudge of ashes placed on their foreheads as a sign of penitence. The ashes are obtained from palm branches that were distributed the previous Palm Sunday, they are burned and blessed.

Why we receive ashes?
Why do we put them in the sign of the cross on our foreheads? It’s a reminder of how we are sealed for Christ. When a baby is baptized the priest often uses oil to mark the child with the sign of the cross. This anointing, and the cross of ashes, are both reminders of the mark of the Lamb as described in the Revelation of John, which tells of an angel marking the faithful before the tribulation, and they would then be protected.


The mark of the cross is a mark of ownership. These ashes remind us that we are Christ's - that he died so that we might live. It is significant that we use palm branches to make these ashes as they are a symbol of victory. By making the ashes from the palms of Palm Sunday we are reminded of how all our vic-tories are but ashes before the glory of God.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper... a life long tradition...

Today is SHROVE TUESDAY.....The Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday are known as "Shrovetide," from an old English word "shrive," meaning "to confess," a name gotten from the tradition of going to Confession in the days before Lent started.
Shrovetide is traditionally the time for "spring cleaning," and just as we clean our houses in these days in prepation for Lent, we also "clean our souls" through confession so we can enter the penitential season fresh.

Shrovetide is the last two days of "Carnival," an unofficial period that began after the Epiphany and which takes its name from the Latin carnelevare, referring to the "taking away of flesh" (meat) during Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday, the day following Shrove Tuesday. Many want to eat while they can and get the frivolity out of their systems in preparation for the somber Lenten spirit to come.

The Tuesday of Shrovetide is a particularly big party day known as "Mardi Gras" (French for "Fat Tuesday") -- or "Pancake Tuesday" because fats, eggs, and butter in the house had to be used up before Lent began, and making pancakes or waffles was a good way to do it.

In many places, especially in England, pancake races became popular and remain popular today. In these races, women must run while flipping a pancake so many times, and whoever crosses the finish line first wins. The largest pancake race in England is in Olney, in Buckinghamshire. There, the women must wear a dress, apron, and bonnet, and flip the pancake three times -- while ensuring it is intact after they cross the finish line, of course. The story told to explain the origins of this race is that in 1445, a homemaker heard the shriving bell (the bell rung to summon people to confession on this day) as she was busy working in her kitchen. Not wanting to be late, she rushed about and ran off with her skillet still in hand.

Ever since I was a kid, we've been going to the Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at Christ Church.  So, tonite John and I attended, along with friends Randy and Sue.

Here are the Christ Church men, who are in charge of the pancakes, sausages, applesauce and beverages served during our dinner.  Great dinner guys!! (Proceeds went to the Bob Britt Youth Fund for upcoming youth events open to the community.)

Back: Mike, Henry, Mark, Ken. Front: Jerry (Dad!) and Barry.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday School... why pancakes? ...and what is Lent about?

We had our traditional Pancake Race and Games today with the kids.... 

Always a fun way to introduce some of the customs, traditions of why we have pancake suppers and celebrate before Ash Wednesday... and to learn more about the upcoming season of Lent.

(BTW, pancakes are served because during Lent people often gave up rich foods that included eggs, milk, butter, etc.  So they made pancakes using those things the days before Lent, known as Shrovetide, and also known as Mardi Gras.. there are great stories online of how Pancake Races came about as well.. do a Google Search and see more!)

Some are experts at flipping!

How many plates with pancakes
can you stack on your head
and walk with?
Some tried them ALL
at once!
We enjoyed pancakes with berries, whip cream, chocolate syrup or maple syrup while we learned more about the Church Season of Lent....

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and continues for 40 days (not counting Sundays).   Lent is also a time to consider the giving up of what we are, for what we may become.

Certain traditions are on hold during Lent in Church...

No Alleluias, It's Lent! 
Our worship changes a bit during Lent, which begins on Ash Wednesday. Lent is a season of penitence, reflection, & prayer. Worship during this time is solemn & restrained, more somber colors are used. Flowers are generally removed from the sanctuary. We hold more ecumenical services with other Christian denominations, especially on Wednesdays. 
Songs of praise like the Gloria in Excelsis ("Glory in the highest") & expressions of joy like Alleluia ("Praise the Lord") are removed from the liturgy until Easter.
Restraining our Alleluias, in some ways is a pity for, as Augustine exclaims: "Alleluia is our Song." But maybe there is a psychological advantage in muzzling our Allelu-ias during Lent, for we are more inclined to burst forth in song & praise with greater pitch & fervour at Easter.

We invite you, in the name of the Church, to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination & repentance; by prayer, fasting & self-denial; and by reading & meditating on God's holy Word. ~ Book of Common Prayer Pg. 265 ~

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The next great model...

Jorden LOVES to dress up... and is such a poser! *lol*

The little princess!
And I love finding fun things for her to wear ... especially when I can get such cute things at such great prices at Goodwill!

Jorden's valentine dress ... and posing (trying to make a heart shape with her hands for a valentine card)...

We made a Valentine's card for Kaine from Jorden, and then who appears but Kaine!
He was able to come home late on Saturday to visit for a day!

Cute hat and Valentine coat

Valentine Love to Daddy

Visiting Nana and Papa's ....

My Mom has been undergoing chemo treatments the past couple of months, she is doing well, but her immune system is down, so she doesn't get out to places where there might be people who are sick and it would cause her to get sick too... so she's homebound a lot.

Jorden and I went out to visit this morning and Mom let her go up to the "Doll Room"!  Always a treat for a little girl who LOVES dolls of every kind!  And my Mom has ALL kinds of dolls and fun things to play with there.... Jorden LOVED it!

And Mom LOVED seeing her enjoy it so much too!

Nana and Jorden

Lady needed attention too!

And of course Jorden had to try out Papa's Indian drum!

A nice visit for us all!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Birthday Party For John with the family....

The kids (except Kaine who had to work), and the grandkids were here tonight for a birthday celebration for John.  I made a new thing I found on Pinterest as part of our before dinner "appetizers".

Janel took this photo of one.
Jeff hoarding his!
A bacon bowl salad...  it didn't quite turn out as good as the Pinterest photo, but they were pretty yummy!

I also made crab claws, enough for us to have 3 - 4 each... and created a monster! *lol*  The grandsons LOVED them too, so now they'll think they can have them at Gramma and Gramps house a lot! NOT!

And then, since it is Friday Fish Fry Night, John requested that for his dinner, from a local place.. so I ordered broiled and fried fish, potato pancakes, fries and applesauce and coleslaw from The Village Supper Club... that made dinner easy for me at least!!  And it was delicious too!

Kasey made her Dad a "birthday cake" out of beverages and snacks which was a big hit with John.

And Janel made a huge container of chocolate chip cookies for his "birthday cake", that we served with ice cream.

Janel also made some yummy heart shaped sugar cookies that were a hit too!   John-John sneaks a bite of Jorden's cookie.

It was a good night with everyone!!  Happy Birthday John!! xoxox

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Grampa's Birthday Dance....

I picked up granddaughter Jorden in the midst of a small snow storm this afternoon....luckily the roads weren't too bad and we got home in time to enjoy birthday dinner with Grandpa John!

Grandpa even dips! *lol*
Jorden in her "princess" dress told Grandpa she would give him a dance for his birthday.. *lol*

I think John thought this was THE BEST gift of all that he received!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Support Group Friends Celebrate John's B-Day...

The bithday boy.
 Our friends Sue and Randy surprised John with a birthday cake during our weekly "support group" dinner night at Tubby's.   

Happy 61st a few days early John!!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Kid's Indoor Beach Party!!

It's the middle of Winter... but, YES, we are had an indoor beach party with lots of fun, fun, fun!

Christ Church hosted a fun night for kids while parents enjoyed a free night out elsewhere.

Cross designs, sand castle making, dinner, games and a movie were enjoyed by all.

I was thankful for the help from the adults who attended too!

The guys seemed to be captivated
by the movie too!  Ha!

Pat, Mark, Mike, Bill and Teresa