Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Gimme a Hand...or two...or more...

I was unpacking today, (still) from our camping trip and found some other things I bought the second day of vacation, when it was rainy and cold.... I forgot I had bought them..*L* They are porcelain hands, probably used to make rubber gloves or something like that? I found them at an antique store.... and believe it or NOT, my husband, who NEVER sets foot in stores like that, went along and browsed with my daughter and I... I think he was sick or something? *L*

Anyway... I love hands like this, I have some kind of odd fascination with them... these will join the others in my eclectic collection, many of them I have in my upstairs bathroom... sometimes I used them in my art creations too... (check out earlier blog entries to see how).

1 comment:

  1. I somehow missed hearing about all of these cool things you got on your trip! I came back to check for updates on you and John and ended up "meandering through your ramblings" LOL What else did you find?
