Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A Looooong Day & A Pain in the ___________

________ Fill in the blank...*L*

Today was a killer day, but it actually ended pretty well... just a very long one, that I'm glad is coming to an end.

Today I had a Christian Formation meeting at Nashotah in the AM, had to rush from there to the Spine Care Clinic in Milwaukee to meet John (who my dad had taken to his appointment to find out what was going on with his severe pain in the back problems that have been going on for 6 days since he slipped).

John saw the surgeon, who immediately ordered x-rays, and then sent us off to another clinic nearby for a CT scan. Then back to the surgeon to wait on the results, which they told us would probably take about 30 minutes after the scan was finished.... WRONGO, finally 2 1/2 hours later, we were able to find out that all John's bones and the fusion (screws and rods in his back) are doing well, and healing well.

His back pain was from twisting when he slipped causing a severe muscle sprain. He will probably have another week of pain before it gets better, the doctor said. At least it's not something that requires more surgery, for that we are thankful, and John isn't as scared now either that he'll mess his back up for life if he moves wrong.

So, finally at 4:45 we were back on the highway heading home... got the patient back in the house and had to turn around and head back to Milwaukee for my Youth Commission meeting at 6:30... made it there with a minute to spare too!! Just call me Speed-Demon! *L*

The two meetings today went pretty well, and I was home in time to pick up John's prescription before Walgreen's closed for the night... guess the good-timing angels were looking out for me today.. *S*

So, for now, it's back to taking it easy, taking the meds, using the walker and praying that his pain gets less, and his back gets stronger.

And, guess I continue to try to fatten him up with banana splits, which he loves, and good cookin' too!

Thanks to all for the well wishes and prayers... we love you!


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