Anyway... here are a few things I've been up to lately... some recent Good Will finds...and one thing from Uncle Hunk's Junk ... I love 'em... not sure yet what I'll do with the giant speaker thing...but it was too cool to pass up, and it was 25% off, so HOW, oh HOW could I pass THAT up??
And then I have these really cool clocks too that I found... The bigger one has clock faces on all four sides, and the other smaller one, which is leather covered, just has a clock on the front side. It's been good deal days for me in my shopping excursions lately!!
And here is a start to an idea for the "9/11 Forgive" assemblage. Here it is laid out, not yet permanent, so things may change, and I already know I am adding some words from The Lord's Prayer to one part... "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us..."
More to come in the next few days......
very kewl clocks!!! Bummer about Uncle Hunks huh? I love the start of your 9-11 piece.