Sunday, July 6, 2008

A New Daughter-in-Law to be...yay!!

We've been gone for a very nice, relaxing, long holiday was a wonderful time away, great fun and with great friends!

Our son, Kaine had told us (before we left) he was going to "pop the question" this weekend during the 4th of July fireworks, and indeed he did!! Kaine and Erin are engaged! We are happy for them both and excited to be getting a new daughter-in-law in the family. No wedding date has been set yet, but we are looking forward to their marriage and hold them in our prayers.
Congratulations Kaine & Erin!!

Guess this means I am the dreaded mother in law to be eh? eek!! *L*


  1. I have a really great MIL, so I don't dread it - hehehe! I think FIL is more scary (looking at my DH!!) Congrats to Kaine and Erin...

    I can't believe you have shingles... I understand it's very painful. I hope it clears up quickly... and I like your music playlist! Take care,

  2. Thanks Rosie... the shingles seem to be clearing up, at least the pain is less and not as intense, just sometimes in the early morning. Thanks for the congrats for the kids too!
