So, I thought I’d post some pictures of some of the possible assemblages in progress… some of these will probably change before I call them finished… but here are some things on my workbench.

Nice pair eh? *L* A Pair of Pears, or Pears Under Glass - this needs something more, but for some reason these golden pears were something I couldn't pass up, and then the double domed stand showed up, so I put them together… my sister in law, Queen Lisa, would probably like this since she loves pears a lot.

I don’t know what to call this one.. It’s weird and strange, an antique oil lamp with a dolls head, and a beaded tree coming out the top, a bead necklace around the neck matches the tree beads… this needs more… or maybe needs something else? Anyway, I have it sitting on a table next to my sofa and am always looking at it wondering what the heck am I thinking putting it together like THAT? *L*

You Don’t Bring Me Flowers Anymore … or Indifferent Love? This isn't really something I think I’ll put together in a finished piece.. The flowers are glass, the vases are cool blown glass, the red heart is glass, and the male and female busts are ceramic, all finds from Good Will. I am thinking of doing something else with the busts in a kind of statement of indifference, perhaps indifference to the homeless or the poor, or to war, etc….we’ll see, still thinking on that.

Wine Tasting, this piece is huge… the frame is over 3 1/2 feet tall by 3 feet wide and 6 inches deep. I am still not sure if what is inside it now will stay there. It’s hard to read the top center between the two angels, it says Long Life. .I do love the brass Last Supper 3 dimensional piece with the sign that says Wine Tasting below it - is this sacrilegious?, or just a sacrament in action? *S*

Friends Gather - this sign kind of fits, to me, with the Last Supper scene too. I want to stain over the Last Supper to get it to look more aged like the sign. Also perhaps stick it in a frame and add other things to it too… I have tons of things I could add, but just going thru my collected treasures takes time… I really need to organize my stash of things better.

March of the Singing Penguins? *L* Not sure what I'll call this.. Some of the things I may add to it are in the front of it… a couple of white porcelain doorknobs, a brass music staff, the other brass thing may go behind the figurines. I am still looking for another black and white penguin figurine to use too. The brass plate at the top says “White Clad”, I thought it kinda fit. I sanded down the white frame and want to stain over it with dark black stain, then wipe it off so that the black will soak into the sanded places, yet the white will stand out still too...I wish I could find some piano keys, black and white ones… then maybe I could title this “Ebony & Ivory”, eh? *L*
So, these are some things I’m working on… along with a dresser I’ve barely started, I’m going to paint it a cherry red, then sand it in places, and stain over the whole thing with a dark walnut stain...a birthday present for the daughter, which I have only about 3 1/2 weeks to finish. …. All these things, and I should be working on the newsletter… arrghhhh...Sure wish I had 30 hours in a day at times.
I love the pears!!! You know me so well!!! With all this great art you should do an art fair!!! *hint hint*