Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Art/Supply Room & One Workbench... believe it or not, it's somewhat organized.. *L*

I am a member of MMCA, Mixed Media Collage Artists... a very talented group of people, see my link at the right and check out the gallery...some very cool stuff there!

One of the threads there that I've commented on, has me giggling and laughing at the fun responses... we have been talking about cleaning our spaces.. (or not).. so to show just how organized (NOT) I am, I am being very daring here and posting a couple of pictures of my space and one work bench.
My MAIN workspace has become my living room coffee table, where I can spend time with hubby, watch some TV (well, inbetween John channel surfing every 5 minutes...arrgghhhh), and I feel like I'm not all alone down in the dungeon basement doing art... maybe someday I'll have a cool art studio.... if I win the lottery perhaps? haha..*L*

Lord, have mercy on me, a messy, somewhat unorganized artist and sinner. *S*

1 comment:

  1. Okay, Roberta, I can see clear spots on your workbench so I've got you totally beat as far as messiest workbench! And the other picture I see lots of goodies in there! An old violin?!!! I'd love to have one of those, seriously! It looks a lot like my area and I just cleaned! :O
