Tuesday, September 9, 2008

ECVA new Call for Art: Light of the World

The Episcopal Church and Visual Arts has a new Call to Artists...

"I am the light of the world. If any man follow me, he shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of life." John 8:12

Advent, the beginning of the church year, occurs during the darkest days of Winter when the lush beauty of nature has disappeared and our souls long for warmth. During this season we prepare for the coming of Light from Light through treasured rituals of greening naves, lighting advent candles, lessons and carols, reflection and meditation. These Advent traditions serve as symbols for our search in darkness for the mystery of life-giving light.

How do we find and manifest that light? Lux Mundi, the Light of the World.

ECVA calls for images that give vision to longing for light in the darkness and growing anticipation of the birth of Christ.

How do we find this light in our inner landscapes? How is His light manifested in your heart? During this season of darkness how do you imagine the coming light of life for all to see?

The deadline to send in your entries is Nov. 1st, the selected art will be featured at the online exhibition at the ECVA website starting Nov. 30th. To see more info on the above "call" check out the website at http://www.ecva.org

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