Monday, September 22, 2008

More "Art" From John

John was asked by a good customer to recreate some banisters for a set of stairs in an older home south of Chicago. He went down a month or so ago and looked at them, took photos with his cell phone, then came home to figure out how to do them.
He doesn't usually do this kind of work, but he took on the challenge.

After MANY, MANY hours working on them, he finished them enough to pass them on to the customer and have them refinished by someone they are hiring.
They will also add decorative wood pieces to the inserts and on parts of the outside too. I think they did a wonderful job!

Here are the guys just before transporting them to the customer.

I had asked, if they had extra pieces, would they would make me one or two as a pedestal base for some of my torsos or art pieces?... I dunno, the looks I got made me think maybe NO. *L* But it sure would be an excellent Christmas gift...*hint*hint*

1 comment:

  1. wow!!! those look pretty cool and at the same time like it would be really difficult to make! TELL DAD i am proud! really. very cool. and i like the pics of the guys too. they look happy and accomplished! :) makes me happy.
