Thursday, June 11, 2009

This Little Piggy Stayed Home - Assemblage

This is a whimsical found object assemblage inspired somewhat by some surgery my Dad had last week.
My dad had the toe next to his big toe on one of his feet removed. It had been broken several times and arthritis was making it so it would bend under the other toes and was affecting his feet in various ways. So, they amputated it. If you are at all familiar with the nursery rhyme where you wiggle the toes of a baby or child it was the toe that would have been "the little piggy that stayed home".
As in...
This little piggy went to market...
This little piggy stayed home...
This little piggy had roast beef...
This little piggy had none...
And This little piggy went wee-wee-wee, all the way home.

My dad offered to give me his toe to use for one of my assemblages, but I declined that gruesome offer.. *L*


  1. Oh, man! I'd have taken it (the toe)! *lol* :D

  2. haha ... yeah, but it wasn't taxidermied or anything... how would you preserve it without it getting all moldy and smelly? EWWWWW... *shudders*
