Saturday, November 14, 2009

Diocesan Convention - Day 1, WI Dells

I have attended Diocesan Conventions as a parish delegate for over 25 years, and I think the workshops I attended this afternoon at Fall Diocesan Convention were some of the BEST ones I've been to. The "Bible Not Broccoli!" workshop was fun, entertaining & informative, with great examples and good ideas. The "Praying Again for the 1st Time/Recapturing the Essence of Life with God" workshop was not only a good refresher course, but also a great witness to a contemplative monk's prayer life. And the "Parish Mission Projects" sharings in the 3rd workshop made me wish we had our youth group back again, so we could do some of the things we used to do, as well as the ones that some of the people who shared, are now doing. Great testimonies and good works!

The Convention Eucharist was a good worship service and the sermon by the Lutheran Bishop of LaCrosse was very good too. The banquet had delicious food, and good company. Here are some of our delegation from our Church; Ann, Pat, Me, Bill & Deacon Marlyne. Tomorrow Fr. Bill and our other Deacon Bill will be joining us too for the business part of Convention.

Since the Banquet was done before 9 p.m., and others were going back to their rooms to relax and sleep, I decided to go to the movie theatre to see the newly released movie, was a late & long movie, but sure was a good one for special effects (albeit many things pretty unbelievable!!) But, I liked it a lot! I didn't get home till after now it's time for sleep... tomorrow's another day, and a busy one.

Oh, I forgot to mention, one interesting thing we found out... the Presiding Bishop, Katherine Jefferts Schori will be attending our next year (2010) Diocesan Convention held in October in Milwaukee, and the Diocesan Altar Guild is sponsoring a church art and artifacts display, asking for people to send in applications for displays after Jan. 1st, - the notice in our folders said, "...let us know what you are willing to display for the pleasure & edification of all." I was thinking maybe I could do something with some of my assemblage art? ... maybe a prayer room like I've done at other workshops? Wonder if those responsible for next year's convention would want something like that? Exciting possibility to explore!

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