Today, after Church, I went up to the attic and went thru some of the boxes from 37 years of Christmas decorations and stuff to take over to our son, John, and daughter-in-law, Janel's house for Janel to pick through and to have for keepsakes from both our stuff, and some of Aunt Evelyn & Uncle Chick's things I received yesterday.
The grandkids were eager to decorate for Christmas having seen some Christmas movies & cartoons on TV already.
I have quite a bit of Christmas "stuff"... but I don't decorate like I used to, and a lot of it has been sitting around for many years, so I was glad that Janel was happy to get them.
I had a full size artificial Christmas tree I hadn't used for about 15 years... actually, I have 3 more artificial trees still..*L* I have a cool pencil tree, which is nice because it's narrow and I don't have to move furniture out of the living room to use it. And I have two table top trees that are nice too, and lately, I've been using both of the table top trees, they are easier to carry up and down steps. So, I gave Janel and John the one tree, and some ornaments, some that John-John made when he was in grade school, some that Aunt Evelyn passed on to us, and some I had made myself. Here are Jeff & Jake helping decorate that tree.
I used to do craft shows many years ago. My sister Peggy and I were in a few of the Junior Women's Club juried Craft Show each November... we would have tons of stuff made up, for at least 3 months prior to the show, and then we'd add up what we COULD have made if we sold it all!!....ahhh, dreamers, we were..*L* We did sell quite a lot, but we also had quite a lot left to give away for Christmas gifts too! This is Josh, today, with one of the Santa Trees I used to make, and one I saved for myself, but that I don't use anymore. I'm glad they like it and can use it at their house!
So, not only did I make the grandsons and my DIL, Janel, happy, but I cleaned out a few more things that were piling up in the attic (which makes ME happy too!) ... and venturing back up there today, I also took out about 5 bags of JUNK to the dumpster... old, broken stuff, that I have NO idea why we even saved it?? (What WAS I thinking?!)
Today was a good day... Fun passing on memories... the Packers won! (GO PACK GO!!), and it was 60+ degrees today... hard to believe, the 22nd of Nov. and it's so warm!! In fact, it's been so warm the last week, that my once dead (or so I thought) geranium at the foot of my porch steps began to re sprout flowers!! As is true for many things...out of death, comes life again.
Thank you Lord for ALL these things, and more!!
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