Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lord Have Mercy....

My inspiration for this latest assemblage piece, "Lord Have Mercy", came from a photo that a Facebook friend, and wonderful assemblage artist, Terry Ray Flowers, had shared. We don't know where it came from or who took it, I tried to google it, and found it at several websites/blogs, but didn't see where anyone gave credit to the photographer.

This photo just touched me so deeply... as an assemblage artist I love to find "junk" that others toss away to have fun with, to make art with and experiment with... but this photo shows that what we toss away, our junk, has become a necessity of life, and although hardly comfortable as we know sandals to be, these sandals made from leftover plastic bottles are surely much more comfortable than bare feet, esp. when one has to walk through the ruins of what folks in Haiti have had to live in and walk around in every day since the massive earthquake and aftershocks.

If you look closely, there are a few screaming rocks buried in the pile of rubble that the sandaled foot is walking on too. The hands at the top hold a handmade rosary.

This could be dedicated to many places where horrible disasters and living conditions are daily ways of living for many people... I dedicate this one, at this time, to Haiti, and aid for the people of Haiti, for the victims, the survivors, the aid workers and the rebuilding.

There are many good agencies for donating money for the support of the people of Haiti, one that I recommend is Episcopal Relief and Development, please prayerfully consider a gift....and keep praying too...Lord, in Your Mercy, hear our prayers. Amen.


  1. Very 'emotive"... I can tell that this is one of those pieces that was inspired... the rapidity in which it was completed and the powerful visual impact is evidence to me... that you were obedient to the suggestion... nice work!!!

  2. Roberta, deeply powerful piece inspired by a moving image. (I saw the photo in one of our newspapers.)

    May we all continue to remember Haiti and her people.

  3. Thank you Terry, yes, I'm sure it must have been God inspired, because all the pieces came together so well! I am taking it to Church with me, we've been collecting donations for Haiti the last few weeks, maybe this will also help spur on some to realize the plight of the people of Haiti. Our Diocese, Episcopal Diocese of Milwaukee has had a long standing relationship with Haiti for years, some of our youth group members have gone on mission trips there, many of us have sponsored a child thru the mission in Jeanette, Haiti as well. Our prayers and hopes for the people there continue.

    Maureen, thank you!! ... I'll try to do an AP search for the photographer as well.
