Saturday, January 2, 2010

On the 9th Day of Christmas....

I really like this latest assemblage for the 9th Day of Christmas, and I can't wait to post it, so here it is a bit early...there are both a photograph AND a short video clip for this assemblage depicting the 9th Day of Christmas... Check them both out! *G*

On the 9th Day of Christmas my true love gave to me....

NINE LADIES DANCING ... (check out the short video as well to see the ladies dance - some "shake it" more than others do..*L*)

Eight Maids a Milking .... (I think these maids were found at the same place those French Hens were found! *L*)(check out the previous photo for this one.)

Seven Pawns a Swimming .... (in a pool of chessboards...and at least it's only ONE letter off from the word S-W-A-N-S... *lol*) (see photo on previous day)

Six He's a Laying ..... (get it?? - I'm gonna hate this if I have to explain it.. it helps if you pronounce HE'S like geese *lol*) (see prior photo)

Five Gold Rings ... (and assorted baubles)..(see prior photo)

Four Calling Birds... (see previous photo) (Hello, can you hear me now?) *G*

Three French Hens.... (see previous photo)

Two Turtles 'n Doves .... (see previous photo) ...

and a Partridge with Pears and a Tree.. (see previous photo).


  1. All so very creative. It has been fun to see what comes up next.

  2. Thanks Maureen... isn't the video a hoot? *L* It has been fun, and challenging doing them.

  3. I've been loving all of these! They are so creative!!

  4. Thank you anonymous Deb! *S* thanks for your comments on Facebook too!
