I haven't had any time to make my art assemblages, and I am SOOO missing that!
This coming Sunday, May 23rd is Pentecost. The Christian feast of Pentecost (from the Greek word pentekoste, meaning fiftieth) is celebrated fifty days after Easter and ten days following the Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. It is also call Whitsunday in some churches because of the white robes some wear when they are baptised. Pentecost commemorates the coming of the Holy Spirit into the lives of the disciples as related in the Bible, Acts 2:1-6.
The coming of the Holy Spirit into their lives so strengthened them that they were said to have baptized three thousand people that day. Pentecost is thus known as the "birthday of the Church", because it was the presence and power of God, the Holy Spirit, that transformed them so.
Each year, our Church sends a vase of flowers or a plant to other churches in our community as a gesture of being One in Christ, one in the Holy Spirit... One Body, the Church, brothers and sisters in Christ.
The last few years I have found plants that I decorate, add a small card to and then a few of us deliver them to the area churches. A kind of cool thing about these particular plants is the name of them...they are an Asiatic Lily called "Tiny Ghosts", it fits the celebration of the Holy Ghost (or Holy Spirit as some now call the 3rd person of the Trinity).
So, here are this years assemblage of potted pentecost plants... this is about as close to making an art thing as I've gotten the past month or two... *sigh*
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