Saturday, May 29, 2010

Yard Work, a Memorial Day Weekend Tradition...

Today was/is a great day... sunny, warm (actually pretty HOT in the sun!), and a beautiful day to be outside! So, as is tradition around here, many are getting their yards in shape for the summer. I usually wait until this weekend to start planting flowers too (frost still can happen here in WI even at this late date!).

So, this morning I decided I was going to tackle the front hedges, something I neglected big time last year. Usually I am good about getting to them, but last year I didn't even trim them once.. and it showed!

Here's a photo showing one of the three bushes trimmed... and then the completed three. They look pretty sparse after the trimming, but they'll regrow and look better in a few weeks. My dad would be proud of me..*L*

I was thankful that John came home and brought out the bobcat and helped rake the trimmings into the bucket to haul away. He must have taken 8 loads of stuff away.

Sooo, that job is done for the year... hurrah!!

I also planted a couple of my planters, and later today, when it cools down again, I'll do some needed weeding ... It's nice to have a long weekend to be able to get things done which have really been neglected waaaay too long.... Thank you Lord!

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