Friday, October 29, 2010

Giving From The Heart ...

It's that time of year again... usually each Fall, the Church Budget Committee meets, and goes about making their first draft of the annual budget for the next year. It's then looked at by the Vestry, prayed about, tweaked here and there, cut in places as well, and there is also the annual STEWARDSHIP drive.

Stewardship isn't just about finances, money, and budgets ... it's a way of life. If we truly believe, (and I do), that all we have has been given to us in some way, shape or form, as a gift from God, then our response to that is what our stewardship is. Our thankfulness should come from the heart, not from the pocketbook, or checkbook, imho...although, the result of that thankfulness is often lived out financially because it's the Church (the body of believers with Jesus as the head) that are the arms and legs to help further the kingdom of God here on earth, to help others when we can, to share the love of Jesus and more...and that does take financial resources, as well as the time and talents of each of us.

So, I had made this assemblage with the Stewardship Drive in mind, part of my offering, my thanks...with hopes that it may bring others closer in seeking Jesus more in their lives too.

This assemblage is hanging in our temporary site space, along with the explantion, that I believe tells what I was thinking, feeling, and hoping would be conveyed from it.

Here is what the sign above it says...


"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21
When we treasure the things of the earth, our heart is drawn to the earth. The heart is subject not only to gravitation, but also to attraction from on high, the wings express that the heart reaches upward, toward heaven - toward God. The wings also symbolize freedom - of choice. We can choose to love and follow Jesus, or we can choose not to.
"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve. But as for me & my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15

The offering plate focuses on giving to God, through the Church, as the Body of Christ. Focusing on the sacred heart of Jesus, we can have Christ's heart and His love for humanity. And we can express our own love for Jesus, the lover of our souls.

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