Sunday, March 13, 2011

Conjoined Trinity .... unfinished

This is something I have had sitting around, wishing I could be inspired to finish it and put it into something. It was originally a vase with joined handles, and three different places for flowers. I added some old doll heads, some shoes from clown dolls, and some wire and shoe charms around each neck. I think it looks like conjoined triplets... what kept coming into my mind while I was putting it together was "the trinity", but not sure where that idea will go from here?

I was also considering putting this into a box that would be decorated like a circus tent, and finding some old vintage freak show posters to add to it. The round ball thing on their heads is just sitting there, not attached, I kind of like it. The trinity piece is on a turntable, so it can spin all the way around, I'd like to decorate that also with some kind of beaded fringe perhaps?

Anyway... I have quite a few things here in the works... just haven't had much time to get any art done lately...

2010 Tax things however ARE getting done, and almost ready for my meeting in a few days.. and then the annual audit of the Church books from 2010 will get done this week, and perhaps then I can finally get into the year 2011 fully! *L*

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