Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Prayer Vigil - Altar of Repose Set Up

One of the things we do at our Church is decorate our Chapel with the Easter Flowers for an All Night Prayer Vigil at the Altar of Repose on Maundy Thursday evening until Good Friday morning. So this afternoon 5 of us set up the Chapel. We now have a labyrinth in our newly renovated Chapel, so we set up the altar so the labyrinth path was clear and able to be used during the Vigil.

Also in the Christ the King room, Fr. Bill set up some beautiful books, showing pictures and text from the St. John Bible project, for people to look at and meditate on before going into the Chapel.

The flowers are beautiful, and after the Good Friday service we'll move them to the Church altar and decorate that for the Easter Vigil and Easter Day services.

More photos of the Prayer Chapel in another post later....

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