Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day at My Dad and Mom's

Happy Father's Day to my Dad (me and Dad in the photo), my father in law Paul, to my husband John, and to my sons who are wonderful Dads too...Kaine and John-John.

Kaine and Jorden came home for a few days, but John and his older son Jake were upnorth in MN at a Hockey Tournament, but Janel and the other two grandsons came over to my parents house along with many of my sisters and brother and families. Some were out of state, in Florida, on a vacation, but we still had a fun and large group there to celebrate Father's Day.

Here are some photos from this afternoon's cookout and fun...

The "skyflier" has always been a big hit for kids and adults alike. But Dad has shortened it up considerably since we were kids... it was twice as long and twice as high, but the one main tree died off, and so Dad shortened it. But the grandkids still LOVE playing on it.

My Dad has made several picnic and gathering areas around the back yard... here is the "beer tent", complete with electricity, a fan, lights, and Kasey was even able to bring her laptop to edit some wedding photos from yesterday's photo shoot. *L*

My brother claims he was just resting his eyes for a second in this photo.. *L*

And, do you think my Dad has gathered enough firewood for a year or two yet?? *L*

Great afternoon!! Love you Dad!!! xoxox

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