Monday, June 6, 2011

MORE unpacking, organizing and purging... at Church.

This week I am trying to get a lot more done at work (Church), unpacking more boxes, getting things organized, and still purging a lot of things we had kept in the storage pods... who knows why we kept some of this stuff? *L*

I had a really productive day!! Since Fr. Bill is still on sabbatical, and Deb (the church secretary) is on vacation this week, I have the office to myself, and was lucky the phone didn't ring much while I finished setting up and unpacking the last of the Sunday School rooms! HURRAH!! It's looking pretty good, all that is left to do is hang a bulletin board and some of our pictures, bring in the TV and stand, and maybe move in the large 7 ft. pew in the hallway...if it can fit thru the door that is?

Here are before and after photos... almost two months ago, when we first moved back to our building, after a year away, this room was more like a giant storage room, even the Sunday School kids got lost in it. *L*

But now it looks great and is ready for our next Sunday School class to enjoy too!

And even the new closet area that was built is organized and still room to walk thru to get the things we might need in those storage bins for the different events and seasons of the church year...yay!!

It's nice to have a place for all our costumes too ... sooo, tomorrow it's on to another room....

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