Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Installation Memorial & Peace Walk - In Action

Today was the tribute to 9/11 and the victims, survivors, and prayers for peace, and more. I was a little nervous about the tribute I set up at Christ Church over the weekend for today ... because we had just renovated our building (it is nice, and new and clean), and then I came and brought in a load of "junk" to create this installation assemblage memorial... so, I wondered what some people might think, even though it was done in a spirit of remembrance, prayer, and hopes for the future.

Our priest, Fr. Bill Myrick, had a great sermon too, which made me stop and think ... when do we stop with retaliations? Fr. Bill had a rolled up scroll of paper when he started his sermon today ... He talked about the first reading from the Old Testament ... the death of the Egyptians at the Red Sea ...(from Exodus 14:30)... "Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the Egyptians.."
But were the Israelites really saved, he asked? ("What/WHO does save us all?", that thought floated in my mind as I listened.) Are we really saved? Were the people in NYC, the Pentagon, and in the field where flight 93 crashed, saved by the retaliation and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people following the terrorist's acts on 9/11/2001?

He unrolled the scroll of names he had found on the internet, of the military from the USA killed in Afghanistan alone ... it was a loooong scroll... then he told of how many more were killed in Iraq ... and how many innocent civilians, men, women and children were killed as well in the middle east....HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE!

Not to discount the horribleness of the events of 9/11, or dishonor the dead and their memories... but, the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people following 9/11, the deaths that are STILL continuing in our wars, is that what we are about?

"...there has to be a better way...", Fr. Bill said.
I agree, but what, how, when do we change things for that better way?

His sermon sure made me think even deeper about our world, my self, what my reactions should and would be. Remembering too the Gospel lesson from today (Matthew 18:21-35)...
... 70 x 7 (I have this on a plaque hanging over the door in my dining room) ... how many times should I forgive? Continually!! Lord, help me to do so, help us, as a country, as a world of humanity, to do so!

I was not prepared at how much this Memorial (and I'm sure Fr. Bill's sermon prior to them viewing it) touched people's hearts, minds and memories... but, I am thankful that those who experienced it maybe found some peace, some closures, and offered prayers for the victims, and the future.

It was a comfort, and interesting as well, to hear the shared stories and experiences of where others were on Sept. 11, 2001, ... a time, when, wherever we were, we were all connected, even though we might not have realized it.

It was a blessing to have children experience the "Peace Walk" on the Labyrinth, which for them, was a more joyful occasion (these children were not even alive when 9/11/2001 occurred), but their joy in life, is what we bring forth in hope despite the losses and changes from 9/11.

And I am especially thankful for the help in taking down the memorial ...thanks Carol and Susannne!! xoxoxxo

So, it's back to the present, since I think the electricians will be needing their scaffolding early in the morning tomorrow!

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