Sunday, September 18, 2011

Adam's Rib Cook-Off - GREAT FUN!

Last night was the competition and dinner at our Church... Adam's Rib - BBQ Rib Cook-off and Dinner.

I made a lot of ribs the night before, testing different recipes to see which one was the best... John, Kasey and I did the taste-testing of each kind, the rest were saved to be reheated for the dinner on Saturday night. We picked the best recipe and I marinated them on Friday night and cooked/grilled them on Sat. morning/afternoon for the competition part of the event.

I think they turned out pretty good! Best ribs I've ever made at least. *S*

The dinner was a LOT of fun too! We kept busy selling tickets, keeping food out, greeting people, and running out of ribs! Eeek... with over an hour and a half left to go, we were almost out of ribs ... I ran to the store and got a few broasted chickens to carve up and serve...we still had plenty of side dishes and desserts, and ended up having chicken left over too... making a note of this for next year, so we have more ribs.

We are thankful to our rib judge, Chip Mornard, for his judging talents and for the ribs he brought to add to the dinner (not for the competition), his were DEEEELICIOUS!! Chip has judged rib contests all over the USA, so it was an experienced judge we were blessed with here! Thank you CHIP!

Also much thanks to all the competitors who entered and brought ribs and side dishes and desserts! To those who worked at the event, serving and setting up, cleaning, and more! (Isn't John "cute" in his apron we made the rib servers wear? *L*) A very great dinner was had by MANY, and a lot of fun too!

Pictured here are the rib contestants.. left to right: Patricia, Mike, Ron, Gary, Me, Chuck, Fr. Bill. Chellie and Joe. The winners were: Women's Category: 1st - Chellie, 2nd - Me, 3rd - Patricia. Men's Categlory: 1st - Ron, 2nd - Gary, 3rd - Chuck. And the winners of the Side Dishes were: 1st - Chellie (taco salad), 2nd - Barb B. (baked beans), 3rd - Barb B. (corn pudding). Desserts winners: 1st - Susanne (pumpkin pie), 2nd - Jo (fruit cake), 3rd - Me (apple crisp).

And the grand prize champ - overall rib winner of the $200 cash prize was Ron!! (and believe it or not, he did a lot of research and got his winning recipe off the internet, and hadn't ever made ribs before! So there IS hope for newcomers next year!)

And at the end of the night... this is what was left over... *L*

Look for this event again next September... talks of a Rib AND Chicken BBQ Cook-off then!!

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