Tomorrow is the first day of Advent, (check out this cool two minute video on what Advent is and isn't).
At Church we have the tradition of having an advent wreath. Since the church went thru a major renovation and remodel in the last year and a half, we are doing some things differently than we have done in years past. One of those things is where the advent wreath will be situated. It used to hang from one of the posts in the Nave, but since there are now pews in that area, it was decided to try out putting it on the baptismal font, which is now placed in the center of the main aisle. So, Father Bill made a base, attached candle holders for the 3 purple and 1 pink advent candles, and I had found, a couple of years ago, a white paschal type of candle on a stand, that would be perfect for the center "Christ candle".
And the task of finding a wreath and decorating the base part was up to me.
Good Will once again came through for me ... I found two artificial wreaths, used them both and bought some additional evergreen picks that matched from the Ben Franklin Store, along with some berry picks. Father Bill had also left me some pine cones, so it all came together pretty awesomely!
And, here are also some pretty neat Good Will treasures I found for myself while looking for the wreaths.
This cool bud vase is made out of an old silver plate spoon and knife handle.. pretty clever!
And these old antique bird ornaments are ones that remind me of my Gramma, she had similar ones on her tree when I was a kid.
And then I found this cool jeweled fish pin ... I have a lot of this kind of costume jewelry bling that I like to hang on the torso in my bedroom, plus this is so odd, I had to get it! *lol*
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