Sunday, April 1, 2012

Hosanna! Celebrating Palm Sunday...

HOSANNA!! Check out how our Sunday School kids made these awesome paintings today!

This idea was one I found at Catholic Icing, a great site for fun Christian crafts!

Being Palm Sunday, we had the traditional blessing of the palms, and procession into church singing our Hosanna's, and Sanna's, etc. The Sunday School class made pictures/paintings based on our sharing the story of Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem, on a donkey, as people waved palm fronts, laid cloaks in front of him as he rode, and shouted "Hosanna"!

Our paintings started with the kids getting the bottom of one their feet painted gray..*lol* ... and then imprinting their foot onto cardstock paper.

This is my sister, helping with today's class, thanks to her and my mom for helping today!

After painting their foot, they also had to be washed off, so we tied that into the story of when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, sharing a bit of the Maundy Thursday/Last Supper experiences with them too.

After getting all the imprints, we dried them with a hairdryer so we could go on to the next step... which was painting in details, ears, eyes, muzzle, tufts of hair, and of course, painting the palms of the kids hands green so they could symbolize palm fronts being waved as the donkey, carrying Jesus, came into view...

It was a hectic, fun morning of paint drying detail, kids running to the bathroom sinks to wash up (often!), and back to more painting ....

The kids did a GREAT job, here are some of them showing off their paintings! They made one to take home, and another to keep at Church for their upcoming Art Show later this week.

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