Sunday, May 20, 2012

Another Old Art Piece from LOOOONG ago.... Clown Hall of Fame Donation

Found another Polaroid photo in some old boxes, and an old Clown Hall of Fame brochure featuring a picture of it in use.  The Clown Hall of Fame got it's start and used to be in Delavan for many years before moving to Milwaukee many years ago.

I made, and donated, this wooden clown in a barrel photo thing.  John helped me with putting together the barrel part of it. 

I wonder if they still have it and use it in the Clown Hall of Fame in Milwaukee?  I recall seeing it at their first Milwaukee headquarters long ago, but have no idea where it might be now?


  1. Are you the clown in the picture that's circled Roberta? :)

  2. Don't make me come there and smack you Peter K!! No, that is not me.
