Friday, May 18, 2012

Violence at Churches Rare - Ministers Remain Vigilant ... Episcopal News Service Article

Two weeks ago, a horrible tragedy occurred at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Ellicott City, Maryland... the parish administrator and one of the rectors (both women) were killed by a homeless man, who then took his own life too.  I read the many articles on the very sad events at the Episcopal Cafe (The Lead), where they asked for responses:  "We would like to hear from those of you who have wisdom to share about keeping church members who work with people struggling with mental illnesses safe from harm. Please join the conversation in the comments." 
So, I responded.  In response to my response, Mother Mary Frances Schjonberg contacted me and asked if I would be open to a phone interview.  I said yes, but also asked our Church Secretary, Deb Weber to be part of it too.  So last Thursday Mother Mary Frances, Deb and I shared with each other for about 30+ minutes.  It was a good conversation, and we shared resources with each other about precautions, security and why we minister to others, I'm sorry it had to come about due to the deaths of others however.

At our Vestry meeting last Tuesday, we also discussed some things we might be able to have written guidelines for at our Church to help with security and safety, not only from violence, but for any emergencies.  We have some people willing to help by sharing manuals and info from the local schools and from online resources as well.

The Episcopal News Service article on the interview Deb and I did, as well as comments from others that were interviewed can be found here

1 comment:

  1. It is unfortunate that some have to resort to this extreme when they reach this point of desperation, Roberta. Your position of always offering help to those in need can be a tough stance to sustain--
    but the end result will always be better than being veangeful and hostile.
