Friday, June 22, 2012

Kid's Kamp / Parent's Nite Out Event

Thankful for all the adults who helped,
especially daughter Kasey shown here
helping with tent decorations.
What a busy day and night! I spent the afternoon getting things out for the event, making popcorn for 20+, gathering up the supplies, food and more. Our Church sponsored a Kid's Kamp / Free Parent's Nite Out night for kids in the community. We had a great bunch of kids, lots of activities and fun! 15 kids and 6 adult chaperones enjoyed a fun night with the children while parents enjoyed a night out. Some told us they went out to dinner and a movie, went shopping, or just stayed home and enjoyed some quiet time, or time to catch up on other things. Here are some photos from the event ...

Grandson Jeff, proud of his tent
creation, soon to take it out to
Kid's Kamp for more fun!

Thanks to Mark too, one of 6 adult chaperones.

Kasey helping design another
tent for one of the kids.

Jeff with his tent design

Tent City in the Parish Hall, soon to
take them out to the garden courtyard
for Kid's Kamp fun!
Jonah & the Big Fish Lesson
and sing-along around the
 After setting up their tents in the Garden Courtyard, we had some singing around the campfire, and a bible sharing on Jonah and the giant fish, as well as a lesson on being lights, and not hiding our light (our witness of Jesus) under a bushel, or in a bag, but instead, letting our light shine, sharing the good news of Jesus with everyone. 

I bet when Jeff is older, he won't mind
at all that his tent is next to the girls!

Oh, oh!  Looks like some of the kids
faced the same fate as Jonah...
swallowed and spending time inside
the belly of the giant fish!

Is it time to get out of this fish yet?

Games, hotdog and marshmallow roasts and more were part of the fun for Kid's Kamp.
Roasting hotdogs.

Yum! Hotdog roast!

Sponge Tag!

Wet sponges, hot day = good way to
cool off and have fun!
Insect Capture!  Unfortunately no fireflies
showed up, but we did have glow in the
dark insects to capture!

Marshmallows roast to perfection!

Drying off after Sponge Tag and
roasting marshmallows.
And then it was movie and popcorn time!
A way to wind down, or so we thought!

Movies & Popcorn.. yum!
Great evening, great kids!  I am especially thankful for all the other adult chaperones who came to help:  Pat, Carol, Mark, Teresa and Kasey.. GREAT JOB ALL!

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