Thursday, September 6, 2012

"Bring me the broom of the wicked witch of the west..."

So, we are planning another event for kids at Christ Church (a Free Parents Nite Out as well)... this one will be a dinner and movie night for kids featuring the classic, "The Wizard of Oz", but with audience participation involved.  The kids will be singing along to the songs, and saying the familiar lines while the movie happens.

First they will be in a photo booth with some costumes of some of the characters from the movie, then head to the labyrinth in the Chapel (following the "yellow brick road" labyrinth), and may encounter a man behind the curtain (The Wizard ) and some flying monkeys and more!

They'll then come back to watch the movie, and have a picnic dinner with various parts of the dinner handed out while the movie progresses.... examples: lollipops when the Lollipop munchins sing their song.... apples when the trees start throwing their apples at Dorothy and the Scarecrow... some melted witch treats, and more!

I've been looking around for props I can use for the night and found a broom that looked like the broom of the wicked witch, so I set it on fire to burn it like the one in the movie when the wicked witch melted....*L*

I also found a bolt of yellow fabric at Good Will for only $2.99, I used up some old black spray paint to make it into the yellow brick road ... Kasey and John had to try it out..*L* .

Can't wait to make more props for this Youth Event!

UPDATE:  More things added for this coming event!
Thanks to the Dollar Store I've made more fun things for the kids to enjoy for their dinner while watching the movie... check them out!

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