Friday, October 12, 2012

Prayers Appreciated....

deep thoughts.... special things coming to mind this AM as I can not sleep well ... My Mom, (our Mom, wife, sister, Nana, aunt, friend of many), is undergoing some very major surgery this morning. Spent a few hours with her at the hospital yesterday, with some of my sisters, and this morning many will be there before surgery to give her comfort, love, prayers, hugs and more...and many of us will be there for the 6 - 8 hours + waiting to hear, hopefully, good news that the surgery went well and Mom is doing good so far...etc..etc.

But, I wish I would have kissed her more last night, I wished I would have held her longer in a hug last night, I wish I could have somehow calmed her fears and her nervousness more, and told her more how much I love her - unending hugs and kisses would have been great, wouldn't they, and I'm sure many have wished for just that before, with their loved ones as well. I pray we have the opportunity to do all those things and more for many more years to come, here on earth with Mom.

John 4:27 "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."


UPDATE 7:30 P.M. Oct. 12, 2012.....

Mom is out of surgery, almost ready to be seen by us in ICU (close to 5:30 p.m. we should be able to go in and see her, the surgeon said). The surgeon was very happy with the way things went, she came through real well. (Thank you Jesus!) Biopsy and other results won't be back until Mon. or Tues., she'll be in ICU until at least then too...then in a regular room for a week or so...and then we go from there. She's come thru some major milestones, that not everyone is able to do, so we are thankful for that too!

6:30 p.m.  Mom is in a bit of pain, but half way awake in ICU/Recovery, squeezing everyone's hand, and fighting off the pain.  Her blood pressure is a bit low, and they want to get it up some before giving her more pain meds.  We had a couple of prayer circles, thanking God for the good results so far, and for the doctors and nurses who helped, and continue to help Mom.  And for speedy healing, relief from pain, and more good news as the days progress.

Thank you EVERYONE for all the thoughts and prayers, they really have been felt by us all! Keep praying please.... we thank God for you ALL!  xoxoxox

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