Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Making May Day Baskets

When I was a child, we always did the tradition of May Baskets on May 1st.  Mom would make cone shaped baskets out of old wall paper sample books, add a handle, and fill it with popcorn, and candies, and sometimes a flower or two.  We'd take them around to all our neighbors homes (to the other kids), and friends homes.   We'd run to their front door, hang the basket on the handle or set it in front of the door, ring the doorbell, or knock on the door, and then RUN!   If the person who was receiving the basket ran after us, and caught us before we got home, or back to the car, then they got to kiss us!  It was always a fun time, and many in our neighborhood used to do it with each other.   It was also fun to surprise those who never had heard of this childhood tradition, and give them a basket of goodies.

When I had children, we also did May Baskets for the neighborhood kids, and other friends, and enjoyed it just as much!

Now that our kids are grown, I still do a few May Baskets, for my Mom, and my Aunt Shirley, and for the grandkids.

These are some I started about 8 - 9 days ago... used fast growing grass seed in potting soil, spritzed it twice daily, in a sunny window, and after about 4 days the grass started growing.  It grows very fast and is very green... love the color of it, reminds me that Spring is here (well, for us lately, Spring has just started, since we've had snow so late this year, and cold weather too.)

So, tomorrow, I'll deliver these grass and flower May Baskets, and then some others with treats and candy in them for the grandkids too.

Happy May Day, a day early!

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