Sunday, May 19, 2013

Pentecost - Come Holy Spirit!

The Day of Pentecost (50 days after Easter), is the day that God, the Holy Spirit came upon the disciples in mighty ways (Read Acts 2) and they became great warriors of the faith! And it continues today, celebrating Pentecost is the great day of realization that God has given us ALL, life and power to be different and empowers us to ministry ... to the care, concern and love of all of God's creation.  New life in the Spirit, the releasing of God's Holy Spirit, is something that can happen to all believers.

"Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and enkindle in us the fire of Your love."

Today, at Christ Church, we celebrated Pentecost with worship, praise, and the releasing of butterflies (symbolic of new life and the releasing of the Holy Spirit in our lives).  We also had a fellowship coffee time following.  The butterflies I had been "nursing" for the last month were released, and it was just a fun time to be at Church and worship and share together this celebration and season of the Church year.

Some of the Chapel Group.

It is also called "the birth-day" of the Christian Church because so many were filled with the Holy Spirit and baptised on that day centuries ago.  So our coffee and fellowship time included cake and ice cream too!

Trying to get the butterflies out.
Here are some photos from the butterfly release at the end of both services.

Jan caught one!

All ages had fun trying to capture a butterfly to give to the kids.

Father John was getting "netted" in the process too...*LOL*

Late Church Butterfly Catchers!

Father John trying to get the
butterflies to come out.
Seems that the butterflies liked their netted habitat and had to be coaxed out of it.
The kids with their captured butterflies.
The cake, ice cream and treats were a big hit too! 
A great Pentecost Celebration!

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