Thursday, August 30, 2007

Gessoed, Tissued Guitar with scary, erie face in the background

I was getting a new assemblage/ decoupage project underway tonite... Yay!! 'bout time, eh?! Anyway, here is a picture of it after I had sanded down the guitar, removed the strings, and other hardware, then gessoed it in preparation for mod podging tissue paper on it, and eventually pictures.

Here is another picture of it after I had partially finished one side of it with tissue paper, mod podged far it's working out just about how I had planned...there is still a lot more to do on it before adding pictures and then coats and coats of polycrylic, and then adding "feet" and "hands", and other things to it.

BUT....what do YOU see when you look behind the tissued guitar? Look toward the top of the guitar handle, to the left on the chair behind the guitar... does anyone else see a FACE?? Click on the picture to enlarge it and tell me if you see a face there... it's really just a light reflection on the leather chair...but, it's kinda freaky how it looks like a face looking back at me...*bwwhahahaha*.

It must be time for sleep here or something..*L*... I think I hear the theme song to the Twilight Zone now too.. yikes!!...*L*

Anyway.... More to come, hopefully tomorrow.....

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