With Apologies to Gene Autry..*S*
Rockin' to and fro
Back in the saddle again
I go my way
Back in the saddle again.
John is back to driving again... back in the saddle, so to speak, again.
The xrays & check up at the surgeon today went well. John is doing very well, and his bones are indeed being made stronger (see the verse from Isaiah that I underlined in my last blog entry). The surgeon told him he could remove the brace, and he won't need to wear it much ...maybe when he's out working he may wear it sometimes, but around the house he doesn't need it. He also doesn't need the walker anymore, and we'll get a cane just incase he'd need a little support. He is still on some pain meds for another 6 weeks, but the doctor said he could drive short distances, near to home.
He can now also lift up to 20 lbs, where before he was limited to under 10 lbs. He can try to do some work, as long as he takes care not to do something that may jar his back.
He asked about going moose hunting in another month, the doctor asked a lot of questions, and told him he probably could go, but that if the riding in the plane or on a bumpy boat on the lakes would be rough, he may want to not go and cause damage to the bones that are healing well now. John then decided he wouldn't go this year after all. I'm GLAD!!
Sooo... John is back in the saddle in many ways again... we may even move the bed from the dining room back upstairs soon.
He goes back for more xrays and another check up in 6 weeks, we are hoping the healing continues and thankful for the good results he is having so far. PTL!!
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