Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Long Time No Post....

It's been awhile since I've posted here...

It's been a busy week or so. Getting some bookkeeping caught up on, cleaning the house, and pulling a months worth of weeds in my flower gardens in preparation for our mass birthday party celebration on my side of the family. We celebrated on Sunday all the August and September birthdays on my side of the family, and we hosted the party at our house. Sunday happened to be my mom's birthday too, along with mom and dad, all my sisters and brother and their families were here... most all of them, when everyone is present there are over 55 (lost count..*L*), I think? But Sunday there were just 45 or so that were able to make it. Sooooo, that is now over, but on to other things... end of the month stuff...newsletter...bill paying... ughhhh.

And today, we are heading to the surgeon in Milwaukee to get more xrays of John's back and pelvis, and to meet with the surgeon after that to see how things are progressing. We aren't sure what to expect as far as where John can go from here? Maybe he'll get the go ahead to start driving again? We think he may get rid of the brace he has now and have another kind of brace for the next three months, at least that's what the surgeon said when we left the hospital would happen? Guess we'll find out in a couple of hours.

One thing that was a God-sidence, that I believe was a loving sign from God, concerning John's back and the healing of his bones, etc. happened on Sunday during church.....

I was the first reader during the service and as I was reading the lesson outloud in front of the congregation, I came to a part that I hadn't noticed when I had read thru it fast in preparation for reading that morning. It was all I could do to not start crying as I read the lesson from Isaiah, I managed to finish it, with my voice wavering. When I returned to my seat, I immediately underlined the verse that hit me, and showed it to John. "Did you hear or read this part?", I whispered to our son to ask his Dad. John nodded. Several people asked me during the passing of the peace what had gotten me all choked up while I read. I shared with everyone during our announcement/sharing time at the end of the service what I felt was a promise and a message from God for us (and probably for many who read it too), but especially for John, I felt it was God's loving way of reminding us He cares.

This is the scripture passage from Isaiah 58:11:
"The Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy your needs in parched places, and make your bones strong; and you shall be like a watered garden, like a spring of water, whose waters never fail."

Pretty cool, huh? *S* I LOVE when God gives us these little reminders of His great love and caring for us. Praise GOD, now and forever!!

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