It's Friday and that means it's grandson day!! I have just one of the grandsons today, Jeff, since the others are in school now. After breakfast we headed to church so I could drop off some work, pick up mail, check messages...and then we headed to "the scary Good Will store". This time of year the Good Will is all decorated with Halloween stuff..the one in our town has spiders as the theme, and Jeff loves to look at all the spooky stuff hanging in the entry...although he sticks close to me too incase one of those spiders "jumps down and bites him"..*L*
Today's great find was a shark tent ... one of the games my kids, and now my grandkids love to play is to pretend that the floor is the ocean, and all the chairs, footstools and rugs are either islands or boats, and are safe spots. When they want to go from one area to the other, if they hear the "shark is near" warning music... usually chanted by me... you know the chant...
Daaaaah Daaa...Daaah Da...DaaDa-DaaDa...dada-dada-dada-dada...CHOMP! CHOMP! CHOMP!!! When they hear that, they run like crazy to get to the safe spot before they hear "Chomp!", because when they hear that, it means a part of their leg or foot or hand has just been biten off by that imaginary shark! hee hee. My oldest grandson, when he was little would start to cry if I just hummed that chant..*L*...mean gramma Berta! ha!
This shark tent is pretty cool... the older boys would love to have their safe spot be INSIDE of a shark..*L* Jeff just thinks it's fun to scramble in and out of it's mouth as fast as he can before it may bite him, or else throw in a token monkey or other toy for the shark to feed on!
Ahh yes, yet another fun toy to spoil the grandkids with...*G*