It appears that a lot of people in Arizona, and other States are buying up more guns since the tragic shootings last weekend in Tuscon. Some say it's because they are afraid their gun rights will soon be taken away, others say it's because people are scared and want to protect themselves.
Maybe places will start having gun boxes, in case of emergency, like they now have fire alarm boxes for emergencies?

Except, some measures will be enforced, like you'll have to be 21 years of age in order to break the glass. *sarcastic sigh*

Your piece takes on added power because it bears a bit of a resemblance to an icon, and what is more iconic than a Glock (to quote this morning's newspaper on the gun show).
You also underscore what the tragedy should engender, which is a meaningful discussion about violence in America. That's the issue.
Thanks Maureen ... it's certainly a hot topic issue. I can see some good of both sides myself too regarding gun control...but violence seems to be escalating big time lately, sad to say :(
sometimes I dont think guns are really the issue. because when they outlaw guns the only people with guns, will be outlaws! But yes violence has gotten out of hand in this country, and others. I am following your blog, you are to follow mine as well, Blessings jane
So sorry I meant to say you are welcome to follow mine as well, blessings jane, so sorry
Jane..*LMAO*... hahaha I thought you sounded like the soup nazi at first... YOU ARE TO FOLLOW MINE..*lol* I figured you meant what you posted later... and, I DO follow YOU... I am a stalker of Jane..eeek!! *S* I often go to Jane Wynn - Wynn Studio Weblog to see what new and exciting things you have posted...as well as on flickr too! Thanks for your comments... I am not anti-guns at all...infact, we have many. But it seemed to be a good political statement with stuff I had here. *S* ..and it still is a good topic to dissect and live into.
Jane... I think I mistook you for another Jane... but now I have two Jane friends to follow!! Sorry for the mixup! I went to your blog too..thanks for the invite!
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