Today I was up early to get to Milwaukee because my Mom is having knee replacement surgery. This will be her second one, my dad has had FIVE knee replacements...guess my parents are hard on their knees... comes from being active people, despite the pain they've had. Hope I am as active when I am almost 78 years old too.
So, after arriving here by 7:30, and missing seeing Mom before she went into surgery by 15 minutes..(dang rush hour traffic!), I headed to the family waiting room where my Dad and my younger sister Erica were waiting. Erica had to leave for work, and Dad fell asleep, so I am working on editing photos for the newsletter, between praying and checking email (they have wireless here), and listening to the crowd of others around me who are also waiting for loved ones in surgery. Based on how many people are here, they must have a TON of surgery rooms!
Every family gets one of those electronic beepers that go off in an annoying buzz with flashing lights... like they have at restaurants too... it's almost like we are waiting for our table to get ready. *L*
Anyway... been praying for Mom, hoping she does really well and that her recovery is speedy, and for Dad, for patience and peace for him as he helps Mom in her recovery.
I found this on the net when I was surfing.... odd little poem, but true as well..
Hospital Waiting RoomsHospital waiting rooms
Interesting places
Expressions on faces
Old, young, rich, poor
Illness can descend at anyone’s door
Homeless or not
Bedecked in jewels or poorly clad
Side by side they sit
And wait, and wait, and wait
Time to hesitate
And reflect
Thankful for what’s not
Regretful about what is
A loss of control
Soul next to soul
Good health not a given
Recovery a game of chance
Some rally
Others dally
Support helps
Not being there alone
Some speak
Others too weak
There are those who make it
And those who fake it
A humbling experience
And wake-up
Something that effects all
Short or tall
Take a number
And wait till you’re called.