Sunday, December 9, 2012

Fr. Bill's Retirement Party & Rector Roast

Our long time priest of 15 years is retiring at the end of the year, and today after the Church Service we had a tribute and celebration of his ministry.

The Sunday School "cells", also had
a cell costume for Fr. Bill.  Roberta
helps get him into it.

Here are some photos from it...

Fr. Bill was a good sport and
joined in dancing with the kids too
The Sunday School class presented several gifts to Fr. Bill, as they were dressed in their stretchy "cell" costumes, representing the Church - as a living, moving organism.  Fr. Bill always said, "The Church is NOT an organization, it is an organism!".

Pastor Rickman from Our Redeemer
Lutheran Church helped "roast"
Fr. Bill too.

Mayor Mel presented Fr. Bill with
an official proclamation honoring
him from the City of Delavan too.


Deacon Bill shares memories.
Clergy from other Churches also sent their well wishes, with others who came to the event as well.  Parish members and staff had many memories and fun stories.  It was a bittersweet time as we honored Fr. Bill and wished him well in his coming retirement.

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