This afternoon, a group of us went to the Milwaukee Public Museum to view the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit. It was pretty interesting. Some of it was awesome too! There was a burial crypt, that was thought to be the son (Alexander) of Simon of Cyrene, who was the man called out from the crowd to carry the cross for Jesus as he went to his crucifixion. Then the pieces of the scrolls themselves, and the way they were found, and kept for so many years... and sold in a newspaper ad for $2500... amazing stories, and awe inspiring to think on as well. But some of them just looked like odd scraps of paper or parchment.. had I discovered them, I might have just tossed them away thinking they were junk...eek!!

After we spent over 2 hours in the exhibit, we decided to get lost in the parking garage for 20 minutes..*L* We finally went back out the way we came in and found the car ... arrgghh!! *L* Then we hit the Ale House for dinner and fun was an inreresting and fun time!
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