We're glad to see Kaine is indeed alive and well after last week's scare (his workplace had called us - his "next of kin", to report he hadn't been heard from at work for 2 days!). It was a big mix up, Kaine WAS at work, but the one man didn't realize it, and after a few hours of madly trying to reach him by phone, calling upnorth at many people, friends, local places we'd heard him talk about, and praying a lot, some of his friends called us back and told us his car WAS at work. I called the workplace, and the person who had called us to report him missing checked it out, and did find him, and was apologizing a lot for the "inconvenience".. which almost made THIS Mom go into frantic mode, okay I DID go into frantic mode.*L*! But anyway ...glad to hug the son and have him indeed be alive and well! *S*

And GREAT to see Jorden again too.. she grows up so much in just a month or two!! They arrived late last night, but we kept her up for a few hours of fun .. here's our budding artiste as she draws and paints ... such a sweetie!! So glad to have them here for the long weekend!

She liked drawing, but when she decided to use the pen on her face, I switched to painting on the board with water... one of her paintings looks a bit like an elephant..*L*
So, after playing with the plastic balls, and getting out every toy around, it was bedtime, and Jorden was eager to sleep it seemed.. she laid her head down as soon as I laid her in bed, and sound asleep in minutes! More fun tomorrow...can't wait!
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