So, I found a bottle, in the shape of a monk's robed body, and I found a wine bottle stopper that is a candle holder. I had several rosaries, and religious necklaces that I draped on it, and added some arms to the sides of the candle holders, a candle in the center and stood back, took a few photos ... and I don't think I like it.
It may be the background (I didn't take out my usual background, just used an old tablecloth, which I don't like), and my flash might have been part of it too, since I didn't have the item in a kind of photo box, and the elements I used with it too I don't particularly like.
I'll be letting it sit here for a few days, and hope to find some other inspiration perhaps? So much for my Thursday inspiration ...
Maybe it's too literal? Or maybe too assembled? Or maybe it needs more direction. For instance if the candle holders represent what might be in a monk's head, maybe what is in the candle holders should not be candles, but random things a mind might wander to...or focus on...depending on your message. Do Episcopalians have monks and rosaries? Multiple rosaries make sense because of the repetition thing, rosaries are said in rounds, same prayers over and over: Our Father on single bead, Hail Mary on the 10 beads, Glory Be's. I guess an Act of Contrition is said on the cross. Hard to remember. It's been a long time since I was Catholic.
I like Robin's idea of substituting something for the candle. I wonder, too, how this might look if the robed body were mounted differently, on a rock or piece of wood, perhaps.
Fascinating to consider....
Thanks Robin... great ideas! Yes, Episcopalians have monks, monasteries, and there are anglican prayer beads, a bit different from the rosary prayer beads. I've learned the rosary however from a former priest we had at Christ Church who used to be an RCer (and Monk).
Maureen...thanks also for the good ideas! I thought the items would be cool together, the arms in place of the candles on the side two places, but couldn't really think of something for the center other than the candle..which I don't think I like.
I'll be playing around with various things, and taking yours and Robin's ideas to heart! Thanks to you both!
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