Sunday, October 7, 2012

Blessing of Pets Sunday

Some of the children brought their stuffed
animals in as representation of their real pets.

Fr. Bill greets the pets before the service


Some came in costume even!
This cat had on a pumpkin outfit.

Each year at our Church, we have the Sunday closest to the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, patron saint of animals and the environment (to name a few things he's associated with), that Sunday is set aside for special blessings of pets.  People are encouraged to bring their pets, or animals to church, and receive a special prayer for them.  This year we also handed out little pewter tags to attach to their collars, or to hang on a cage, that had a prayer and "God Bless Our Beloved Pet" on it.  It's always a fun Sunday when we have our fur and feathered friends present with their owners.  Here are some photos from today....


The line to receive pet blessings.

After the Church Service, the Sunday School kids, parents and teachers went to the Animal Gardens and Dancing Horse show.  Great time there for all the kids and adults too!


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