DESTROY SOMETHING and then MAKE ART out of it, that's what!
I was telling the grandsons how, when their Uncle Kaine was little, he liked to take apart old telephones and things just to see all the cool parts inside it.

They started feeling destructively constructive themselves, and so we set out to a couple of rummage sales to find something we could de-construct.... and then later, put back together in a new, interesting way! So, here are their finished masterpieces... and following are photos of how they got that way.

WAIT!! Take out the screws first before smashing it! *L*
Whoaaaa....look what's inside these things....

The guts of the things smashed... and the remains after the art is made...(still a lot more good stuff to use, guys!!) *L*

And the finished pieces on easels, ready for them to share. They said they wanted to give them to their mom, Janel, tomorrow for her birthday.
What budding artist grandsons I have!! And what fun it was for us all! xoxox
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