....ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! (words from that song from the 70's)... but actually, if war reminds us to NOT go there again, it may be good for something... but, I think we may still need to somehow learn that lesson, for we are still going into war again, and again.... we aren't learning how NOT to it appears.
This assemblage of items are mostly things from my father-in-law. He was a Marine and fought in Iwo Jima in WWII. The photos in this installation assemblage are all real, sad, tragic and horrible...they show the atrocities of war.
A few things, like some of the service medals and pins are from others, the dogtags are my father-in-laws, or, in the case of the wooden one (by the grenade), one he found after a major battle... it is sad. Handling these items makes me realize also, how sad a reminder it is, of the many sacrifices made for us and our freedoms, and the many deaths that had to occur, the many tears shed, the many men and women who have died - on all sides.
This is just something to remember, for me, during this holiday 4th of July weekend... more so than the cook-outs, camping, fireworks, etc. This was real life, something that affects us even still.
Thank you to all who gave so much for our freedoms.... and my continued prayers that someday we may ALL live in PEACE!
Memorial shrines are awesome - this one is impactful and will be for some... hard to look at. Nice work Roberta - you have past the point of no return in your work and theres no bringing you back - you go girl !!!
What a marvelous assemblage!
I join you in prayers for peace.
Thank you Terry!! ..and Maureen!! *S* The photos and momentoes of my father-in-law's Marine experiences are real eye openers for sure! Prayers for all sides when seeing the photos were happening here.
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