Last night my sister Harriett and her daughter, our niece, Alyssa spent the night with us since there was a MAJOR rain storm, and some wind too.. good thing we had our tent over the deck fastened down. We woke up in the middle of the night to the legs of it banging against the camper, and if it hadn't been tied down it surely would have flown away! Harriett's tent, unfortunately didn't fare well. It had two or three poles snapped in half, or bent, and a rip from one of them in it too...besides being flooded...ugghh.

My sister Peggy and BIL Mel also had a couple of their tents ruined in the wind that came up. Fortunately, no one was hurt, but their teenaged kids in the tent next to them screamed a lot when the tent over the top of them came crashing down!

NOOO, this was NOT the river we kayaked...This was the road leading in and out of the campground...it was flooded! And these photos were taken about mid morning as we were leaving to head out to kayak the Wisconsin River...thankfully the rain had stopped early that morning, so we had a good breakfast at my sister and brother in law's campsite.

Susan and Todd have a summer site at this campground, and a real nice, large space there too..they were sheltered more from the wind so had no damage to their tents. This is their kitchen set up... since they have 10 kids, they need a big set up like this. Here are more photos from breakfast too.


After Breakfast we all got ready for kayaking...
We unloaded kayaks and canoes and put in just below this dam...

But first, we were waiting for the guys to come back from shuttling the trailers to where we'll put out.

And then we were FINALLY on the river.... lots of fun!!

Lunch and swimming time....

Back on the river...lots of pretty landscape, and even an eagle or two!!

And before we knew it... it was time to get out... it was a super day, nice 4 hour trip down the river.

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