At the level of symbolism, what does the empty tabernacle say to you? Has God left us? Does God ever REALLY leave us? Or, are our own, personal decisions to be absent from God, what is left for us to ponder? These renovations are like a time in the desert in many ways, but it gives me time to reflect on my own relationship with God, and with each other. This renovation has been a challenging time for the Christ Church family, for me, myself, for my own family, for our business and in many ways.... I pray that in and through this all, that we may remain One in Christ... Amen!

Here are more photos from our major renovation project ...
Lots of inside things happening, especially now that they've gotten rid of the asbestos and lead paint things by a special company designed to handle that.

The outside work on the new addition entrance and driveway and parking will get underway in about a week I am told... should be interesting to see it all!

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