Today was also the benefit for Clint Ginner, a friend of our son and daughter in law, John and Janel's, and he used to work for my Dad's tree business too, before he went into business for himself. Clint was hurt horribly in an accident when he fell from a tree at work. He is facing some tough times, and in a wheelchair right now, but it is hoped he will be able to sometime get out of that and walk again soon.
The benefit had HUNDREDS of people in attendance ... and they made well over $55,000 I'm sure. So many people donated SOOOO much for the benefit of Clint and Jaimie and the family...it was so great to see everyone come together for them.
I was the lucky bidder on a pair of antelope antlers .. not sure yet what I'll do with them, but they are pretty cool!
My Bailey Family, along with a bottle of Bailey's was donated to the cause. I don't know who bought it, but I hope they enjoy the Bailey's and the assemblage pieces too.
God bless Clint and Jaimie and the family!! You are in our prayers!!
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