We left home at 5:30 a.m. this morning, and stopped for the night, about 14 hrs. later in McAlester, OK.
I was hoping we could stop from time to time, just for a few minutes, to take in odd and unusual sights along the way that we came across...but John isn't one for "dilly-dallying", and so, here are mostly photos of things we DIDN'T see along the way..*L*

Not too much to see in IL from the Interstate and it takes forever to go through... smoke stacks along the way.

Nope...didn't see this shrine place either...

I have NO idea where we were ...but it appears we must have been heading north instead of south?? Toronto Road exit??.. huh??..*G*
The Arch in St. Louis, and a bad accident there too...semi (and car?) crash and burn..ughhh, hope there were survivors!

John missed the turn for our next highway in St. Louis because of the traffic, this is an artistic looking building and some kind of sports dome thing we saw along the way, while our english accented GPS lady chewed us out while "recalculating, recalculating" other routes to get us back on track..*L*

This is leaving misery, err, Missouri..*S*... and the Indian statue didn't look any too happy either..*G*

Cool cowhides for sale along the roadside... but NOOOO, John wouldn't stop there either.... I sure wasn't "getting MY kicks along Route 66"!! *G*

"Ohhh, I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee!"... lots of songs are coming to mind along this route..*L*

Farm implements on the highway... and some huge body of water in OK, it was beautiful, lots of water ways, hilly terrain, (mountain like to us Wisconsinites)..*L*
So that was about it for today... John drove over 9 hours, I only drove for about 4 1/2 or so. Lots of highway construction.. ugghh!
Tomorrow, it's on to Texas!
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